credit Phil Mansfield

Welcome to Ellipses 2.0

Diana Haven, president

Eight years ago this month I decided to start a company and call it Ellipses Public Relations. The ellipsis (or the …) intrigued me, as it signifies missing information in a quote or sentence. As publicists and marketers I like to think we try to “fill in the blanks” with not just the truth, but compelling content.

Content has absolutely become king with the stratospheric rise of mobile users, social media platforms, and live streaming capabilities. No longer are we as PR professionals asked to just write and distribute a press release, pitch our hearts out and land great, relevant coverage.  We do that plus concurrently manage multiple social media platforms, create compelling branded content, manage special events and much, much, more.

This transformation of the PR industry has made it clear that “Ellipses Public Relations” is no longer an accurate name for our company.  It’s too limiting. Yes, our core wheelhouse will always be telling and sharing amazing stories about people who inspire us, but now we share them not just with the media, but also on a client’s blog or newsletter, in social media, or through a mouth-watering video.

So, we’re dropping the “PR” from our name and are now simply Ellipses. We had a brilliant time working with the talented Josh Chen and his award-winning team at Chen Design Associates on our new logo and website (major props to our longtime friend Michael Ortlieb of MoCreate for building it out), and are very excited about our new look and feel.  We hope you like it, too.

Since 2007 Ellipses has represented more than 60 remarkable clients in the food, beverage, hospitality and events industries, launching more than a dozen restaurants, and securing millions, if not billions, of media impressions around the world.  We’re looking forward to another eight years, and more, filled with talented clients and partnerships, amazing team members, and helping our clients achieve great new heights.

As they say on Schoolhouse Rock, eight is great!  Let’s do this.